Business Funding


Business loans in Africa from banking institutions have prohibitive annual interest rates upward of 20% per year.  Such high costs of capital are not conducive to economic growth as small businesses are left under capitalized.


The 25th Dynasty Group proudly offers three stages of funding to approved businesses.

Stage 1: Up to $1,000 USD at 10% annual interest to be paid over the course of 13 months.  Borrower has a two month grace period at beginning of funding and 11 months of equally divided payments.

Example:  Business owner receives a business loan of $1,000 USD taken out in the month of March 2021.  Monthly payments of $100 USD will begin on June 1, 2021 for the following 11 months for a total payment of $1,100.  After full repayment is made, business owner qualifies for Stage 2 funding.

Stage 2: Up to $5,000 USD at 10% annual interest to be paid over the course of 13 months.  

Example: Business owner receives a business loan of $5,000 USD taken out in the month of August 2021.  Monthly payments of $500 USD will begin on November 1, 2021 for the following 11 months for a total payment of $5,500.  After full repayment is made, business owner qualifies for Stage 3 funding.

Stage 3:  Equity Funding.  If business owner desires, we will evaluate the possibility of providing greater non-loan capital in exchange for an ownership percentage in the respective business.


1. Business must be operating in Africa.

2. Business must be past the idea stage and already operating with customers/clients.

3.  Business must have a sustainable growth potential to be determined by the 25th Dynasty Group.

4.  Business must be in accord with the mission statement of The 25th Dynasty Group.  

We have successfully delivered three Stage 1 Loans to three African continental based businesses located in Rwanda (Kwizera Car Rentals), Kenya (Nyabantu Farms) and Tanzania (Mtimirefu Restaurant).  Our aim is to fund 100 African based businesses in the next 5 years. 

             Rwanda: George Kwizera, Owner                       of Kwizera Car Rentals

       Kenya: Naftali Oswere, Owner of                       Nyabantu Farms

       Tanzania: Joshua Ayinka, Owner of                   Mtimirefu Restaurant


Identify and solve housing, energy, water and business development problems in Africa using the most sustainable solutions possible.


Africa will capitalize and benefit from its natural and human resources with engineering and financial solutions.
